Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Explorer

The girl was a teen, with her wide, beautiful eyes, she used to dream what everyone at this

age dream.The dream of being a successful human and to live an opulent life, because at

this age, future seems a big tension, and of course lavish life seems tempting. But as soon

as she was done with her schooling the most often sentence told to her was that

"See your friends they are in good college,
now their future is secured, they will surely be successful, and look at you, still no plans for future."

Every single time she was compared with others by her kin. They used to keep telling her to be

like someone she doesn't really wish to. One thing what always used to go on in her mind

was - "Why be anybody? Does it really work? Why can't she be herself? Just herself. Why everybody wants her to be like others?" 

When she has got a life, and if she is on a right pathway, then she surely would not get exploited,

instead, she'll try to explore herself. There is no second point that she didn't need any guidance.

As a TEEN she surely needed a mentor in case she got stumbled down, and not someone who

could try curb her life. Most of the time she used to feel that nobody understands her, which

sometimes used to make her feel irritated and frustrated. But the main reason behind this

mess was, the clash of THOUGHTS between her and her parents. But she couldn't just sit

back and relax, she learnt what her motive is and like a staunch explorer, she started rowing

her boat and one day she'll surely find a place in the sun.

Bon Voyage!!!